Kosovo 2.0 NextGen Partner

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Kosovo 2.0 is an independent and critical media organisation for media and journalism. Since its establishment in 2010 in Pristina, it has been publishing and operating in three languages: Albanian, Serbian and English. Kosovo 2.0  publishes content by readers, followers, and young writers as well as by their editorial team (the majority of whom are in their 20s and early 30s), and has become a leading space both on and off-line for young voices around the region to explore narratives regarding culture, arts, politics, people and society.

“Through our print and online magazines, public events and advocacy initiatives, we are dedicated to deepening the understanding of current affairs and socio-political and cultural narratives in Kosovo, the region and beyond. Context is our cornerstone and without it true understanding of what’s going on around us is not possible.”

As part of the NextGen partnership, Kosovo 2.0 intends to set up a ‘Transmedial Lab for Social Change’, to encourage young people to utilize transmedia, creating narratives that extend beyond multiple media forms, using the strengths of each form to question and challenge established narratives around Gender, Race, Ethnicity and Religion. They will open a new office location including a public space where young people can come and safely participate in discussion and creative events.