Translate this website

Our website is currently available in English. You can translate this entire website via Google Translate: you don’t need a Google account to access or use it. It is free to all. 

To translate an entire website using Google Translate, follow these steps:

1.     Open your web browser and go to

2.     In the text box on the left, type in our full website address: 

3.     On the right, choose your language.

4.     Click Translate.

5.     The Prince Claus Fund has been translated! The website's home page and all other web pages within our website will also be translated automatically.

2018 Translate Image

Please note: like other online translation tools, Google Translate isn’t perfect. It has a good reputation for accuracy, but mistakes happen.

If you need detailed and correct information for, for example, an application, do not hesitate to get in touch with us via [email protected].