
Profile photo fadescha 1

Vidisha-Fadescha is an artist and curator based between New Delhi and Berlin. Their work includes video, sound installations, texts, and performances. Fadescha focuses on body movement as an archive of multi-generational trauma, the body as the site to center one’s desire, and the party as a site of resilience and affirmative kinships. Their video-series "Qworkaholics Anonymous" (2020—present) asserts that trans, queer, and all radical figures do important work in their very acts of survival and that a protest is a daily practice of realigning the body towards dignity.

In 2020, Fadescha founded Party Office, an anti-caste, anti-racist, trans-feminist art, and social, space and time in New Delhi, which also manifests at satellite locations and as conceptual architectures. Through publications, grants, archives, conversations of life-lived, social gatherings, and more, they are building transnational dialogues on empathetic futures, care communities, and radical agency.