Monica Naranjo Uribe Mentorship Awards recipient

Monica Naranjo Uribe Nomada Ediciones
Mapa Simpinula Nomada Ediciones
Monica Naranjo U Murmullo de la superficie


  • Cultural & Artistic Responses to the Environmental Crisis


  • Artistic Research
  • Design
  • Visual Art


  • Colombia

Monica Naranjo Uribe is a multidisciplinary artist, editor, and researcher based in Colombia. She is interested in exploring territories as living bodies. In her research, Monica combines different perspectives: scientific knowledge, intimate experience of place, and local cosmovision or popular beliefs. She is interested in understanding territories from their two physical layers: from below the ground, focusing on the invisibility of geological processes, through her more personal artistic practice experimenting with diverse media. And from the surface, focused on specific natural environments and ecosystems through her project Nómada Ediciones, in which she publishes maps, artist books and zines by other artists or her own. In recent years, collaborative cartography has become an important part of Monica’s editorial practice, and she has had the opportunity to develop projects with communities in Honduras, Mexico and Colombia.

Mapa Lagunas Nomada Ediciones