Radio Isanganiro (Meeting Point) Burundi

Radio Isanganiro Burundi Radio Isanganiro (‘Meeting Point’) is an outstanding example of a private radio station actively involved in peace building. Founded in 2002 by a group of Burundian journalists, after decades of regional conflict, Isanganiro’s mission is conflict resolution. Its multi-ethnic staff ensures balance and objectivity through dual-perspective reporting, commitment to a conflict-sensitive approach, verification of facts and avoidance of sensationalism. Phone-in programmes ‘What is your Reaction?’ on the week’s news and ‘What is your news?’ for communities not covered in regular news bulletins, empower people and raise debate. Dialogue and understanding are encouraged through ‘Remember me’ giving callers the opportunity to thank others, and ‘Forgive me’ enabling people to express regret for past actions. Operating in a fragile context, Isanganiro’s investigative reports contribute significantly in counteracting impunity. With more than three thousand callers per day, Isanganiro broadcasts in Kirundi, French and Swahili and on the internet, covering the whole nation plus neighbouring countries sheltering Burundian refugees and the diaspora. Isanganiro offers training opportunities and a research databank on the sub-region. Radio Isanganiro is honoured for its commitment to reconciliation, for providing a democratic platform for free expression and community dialogue, and for working to restore radio as a trustworthy source of information.

2007 Awards Book here