Tamzyn Botha Mentorship Awards recipient

Tamzyn Botha Portrait
22 Lawn22 by Tamzyn Botha
Tamzyn Botha 2


  • Cultural & Artistic Responses to the Environmental Crisis


  • Film
  • Visual Art
  • Other(s)


  • South Africa
Limb (Tamzyn Botha) is an interdisciplinary artist whose work indulges play and improvisation through the mediums of video, sculpture, performance and costume all in the realms of DIY. Limb explores the world of discarded objects and waste materials by weaving society's seemingly superfluous trinkets into reimagined worlds of reflection. Her habitual hoarding of thrown-aways and the forgotten lay visible across all the realms she explores, from art-making to community engagements. Sculptural collaging and object mutilation forms the foundation of her work, with the history of an item's former existence being equally as important to the work that it becomes. She re-assembles organic and synthetic relinquished materials into one space/face; a recollection of geographies mirroring the migration of people across physical and psychological landscapes and boundaries. “Make do” and “make of” are etched upon her expression and interests. An “on the ground and get it done” sort of mantra embodies her approach to the world(s) around her.
22 Gardener22 by Tamzyn Botha