Karon Sabrina Corrales Quiñonez Seed Awards recipient

K Corrales for Bio
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RLS 018 jpg


  • Environment/Climate emergency
  • Racial justice
  • Indigenous rights
  • Gender equality
  • Free expression/civil society
  • Sexual/queer expression
  • Reexamining history


  • Artistic Research


  • Honduras
Karon Sabrina Corrales Quiñonez is an art manager and independent curator, based and from Tegucigalpa, Honduras. She holds a specialisation in Cultural Management from the Universidad Católica de Cordóba, Argentina. In 2020, she curated an online Latin American Performance festival titled ‘Festival CONTINUO LATIDO AMERICANO de Performance’, and was also assistant curator in the same year for the second edition of the RÉUNION Performance Festival. She’s interested in researching and creating dialogues of communitarian feminism, its relationship with movement and memory, decolonial epistemologies and the relationship between institutional infrastructures, communal care and social change.
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