Helen Zeru Mentorship Awards recipient

Helen zeru Portrait
Helen Zeuone foot in one foot out
Helen zeru Aestetic of shyness


  • Building Beyond


  • Performance
  • Video Art
  • Visual Art


  • Ethiopia
Helen Zeru lives and works in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. She received a Master of Arts (Art Praxis) from the Dutch Art Institute in 2017 and Bachelor of Fine Art from the Alle school of Arts and Design in 2008. She has a background in printmaking, drawing, photography, performance, and video work. Her work emphasizes issues of centering marginalised societies in Ethiopia, creating new narratives, and providing ways to tell their own stories as people living and experiencing the current economic crises, political conflicts, societal disintegration, care, and solidarity in society. Her work has been exhibited nationally and internationally in such institutions, as Modern Art Museum Addis Ababa 2020 or Ecologies of Darkness, Saavy contemporary, Berlin 2019.
Helen Zeru parliament and representation 1